(art by @shirokumani)


she/her | 25+ | AUS | Geministore


hi i'm kay and i'm a giant fucking mess of a human being. welcome.i'm a graphic designer, jewellery maker, apparel designer, sometimes i write (and have an unhealthy love for lapslock) and make graphics. mostly just chatters on twitter where you can't shut me up. will also eventually end up organising some sort of event or zine at some point because i don't know when to stop.i love meeting and talking to new people so hit me up. i am an old soul so i don't always have the energy to be 150% there all the time, trust me it's me not you so thank you for being patient with me.also i'm australian and therefore swear a lot.FUB free but mutuals please soft block if unfollowing.


Currently Into:Forever Fandoms:
Akane-banashiOne Piece
Critical RoleNaruto
Ace Attorney 

i am a multi shipper and will ship basically anything. don't @ me i don't have time for bullshit in my fandom time.


generally i try to tag for nsfw (lrt nsfw) but the majority of it goes onto my nsfw account (unless it's smth meme-y). let me know if you need something tagged!if you could please tag any images of insects, bugs, spiders etc. that'll be great. please also tag for spoilers (or keep it in a separate tag) that i can mute. thank you.